Lavender Lace Retreat
in harmony with nature
Hospitality and Texas Go together like jackrabbits and white tailed deer. Like bluebonnets and the sweet honeybee. Like relaxation and Lavender Lace Retreat (LLR).
50 years ago, Mr Eagle built this log cabin as a gift to his beloved wife. In response to the precedent he set, we view sharing a bit of LLR as keeping with his tradition of gifting.
We are located in the NW corner of beautiful Georgetown. The retreat centre sits on 10 lovely acres, accented by trees and dazzling with wildflowers. Serendipity, our donkey, and her fam, Jake & Rose the miniature horse duo, call LLR home. For decades our doors have been swung open as we share this space with guests who may be; basking in massage experiences, vacationing, on a farm tour, or simply spending a lazy afternoon meditating in the sunshine. LLR is very much a park setting. Private and serene, without the bustle of a popular park. We have roses to smell and fluffy clouds dancing in the blue sky above. (and yup, we offer a public bathroom)
“Consistently I will hear from guests that while at LLR they experience a deep sense of peaceful calm. It’s as if the land we call LLR is blanketed with a cozy warmth.” -Cricket
Homes are sanctuaries, and LLR is no exception. Please note the property is accessible only by appointment. We truly look forward to sharing this space with you. You will find booking options under the massage tab, or by texting us at 512-639-4330.

Relaxation Awaits
At Lavender Lace Retreat, you can find whatever nourishment your heart is looking for; from peaceful afternoon or weekend getaways to soothing massages. Watch the video below for a relaxing overview of what you can find here, as Laura from Where Is Laura Traveling experienced on her recent visit.