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Lavender Lace ~ Detox Sauna Massage

    The tradition of using saunas has a rich history that dovetails into modern times, as millions of supporters use steam rooms or saunas monthly in recognition of the role that heat & humidity play in supporting one’s wellness journey.

    “Saunas offer a multitude of health benefits, such as reducing the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, lowering blood pressure, and bolstering immunity against common ailments like colds or the flu,” explains Samuel Mathis, M.D*, an assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Dr. Mathis also points out that there’s evidence suggesting saunas can aid in the treatment of certain skin conditions, arthritis, and headaches. “Moreover, saunas help alleviate stress and promote relaxation, which in itself is a significant health advantage,” he adds. The article further elaborates, “Elevating your core body temperature has its own set of health benefits, including the increased activation of heat shock proteins. These are unique proteins found throughout your body that help reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure,” contributes Mindy Pelz, M.D.*

    At Lavender Lace Retreat, we fully embrace this science. And in response, we are now offering a Detox Sauna Massage. During the 90 minute massage, we utilize the naturally occurring heat & humidity of our Texas summers, and attach to it, the powerful benefits of massage. During our exclusive Detox Summer Sauna Massage you can level up your sweat session- double time.

    Post massage shower room & bottled re-hydration are offered to support your detox session

    *excerpts from’s Sauna vs Steam Room: Which Is Better for Your Health?

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