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Why Would I Try a Side Lying Position During a Massage?

    converse shoes and socks in a pile
    As humans we often use patterns to complete our daily actions. This is great, as there are many reasons why habitual behavior is useful. It may offer efficiency, and freedom of contemplation, as we naturally insert a dormant appendage to open a door, grab a coffee or step in for a hug.
    Putting on your shoes and socks is a perfect example of routine patterned behavior. Do you put on your right sock first or your left, and what about your shoes? Do they follow both socks being on or do you fully finish up one side at a time?
    A list of actions we routinely carry out with patterned behavior is endless. I’m sure you have already thought of several.

    During a massage, therapists are constantly finding new ways to meet their clients’ individual needs. Comfort, safety and effectiveness are the criteria we use. Side lying meets all three.

    But, you may feel side lying is too unfamiliar? Please consider reading on, to see if side lying could benefit you.

    woman receiving a side lying back massage

    The benefits to a side lying position may be:

    1. Alleviating uncomfortable pressure on sensitive breasts. 
    2. Protecting surgical or medical equipment sites
    3. To protect and accommodate gestating bellies
    4. Alleviate stress when severe lumbar and pelvic pain is chronic. As side lying does not compress the lumbar spine.
    5. Clearer breathing. When we are face down our sinus may become impacted. Not as much, if at all, when in a side lying position.
    6. Avoiding painful pressure on a pacemaker, ostomy bag, chemotherapy port, radiation burn or healing surgical scar. These tender areas are sure to be pressed into the table in the traditional prone, face down position.
    7. Patients recovering from heart, breast, abdominal, eye or oral surgeries, and pregnant women, may have been advised by their doctors, to avoid anterior pressure. Massage naturally supports recovery. Your Dr may give you a green light for a side-lying massage, shortly following surgery.
    8. Many heart and lung diseases are better supported by side lying.
    9. When one is overweight, side lying is much more comfortable.
    10. This position gives the therapist great access to  important areas.


    Many of us sleep on our side, making it naturally a safe and comfortable position. A reassuring and restful position. A perfect jump start to relaxing the muscles & mind.

    With a list like that, the above title could read,

    Why wouldn’t I try side lying during a massage?

    Even if you’ve never tried it, talk with your therapist today to see if it’s a good fit for you. You just may find that it is now, your favorite massage position of all.

    Book your session today